
  • Summer time is cherry time! 🍒

    💟 SUMMER TIME is cherry time! Which is your favourite fruit? 🍒🥰 Thank you for this lovely flatlay dear @natasha.crawf ❤🙏 It's wonderful! 🛍 Shop wit...
  • The Lady in Red 💃

    Meine Lieben,  wer von euch erinnert sich noch an den fulminanten Auftritt der Dame in rot aus dem Film The Matrix? Al...
  • Happy Sunday with CLARE knot earrings

    Elegant, klasssich, schön - die goldenen CLARE Knoten Ohrringe im 60s Retro Design sind einfach der Renner! Bloggerin @suzannazen zeigt wie man sie trägt.
  • Let's have a quick chat with feminism activist @vandanathanki

    London-based activist for female rights, human rights, power and positivity wears our bestselling KHLOE face earrings. To me that's a perfect metap...
  • MARILYN by @martina.gorgia

    Most talented high fashion content creator @martina.gorgia wears MARILYN statement earrings from SheSale Shop. Isn't she a true stunner? 😎🔥👌🏼
  • 🔥 Ride or die chick @asjabellotti

    Hottie @asjabellotti is wearing our golden ANAÏS shell locket necklace at night.
  • Lifestyle blogger @belizagrazia wears golden LYRA earrings from SheSale Shop

  • Beautiful Blogger Baes

    Hey Loves, throughout the years I was so lucky to have the amazing support of some lovely bloggers from all over the world. Without their support I...
  • Meet @marionstylee

    EMy first collaboration was with lovely Blogger @marionstylee who lives at the coast of South France and totally embodies the laissez-faire look of...